New events for October

HAFU: The Mixed-Race Experience in Japan
By: Jacqueline Penhos
Mixed, Bi-racial, multicultural, mixed breed, mulatto, mestizo/a, HAFU: These are just a few of the terms most people who are more than one race have been called or must hear on a daily basis. If I have to answer the question, “what are you mixed with? One more time I’m going to scream from the top of my lungs. The interracial experience has been an adventure the past 20 years of my life. Watching HAFU hit home with me, the journey was deliciously enlightening and heart rending at the same time. A must watch for any one who is blended or wishes to understand the mixed-race experience. Definitely worth taking a mental and visual journey at the next showing. Its not everyday a film touches your core in a therapeutic and holistic way. Growing up mixed, being pressured to choose one nationality, culture, and race has been second nature to my daily repertoire.
These are some of the similarities many of the HAFU’s experienced in the film. HAFU, a film about being/having mixed roots in Japan. Being bi-racial, Multi-racial, or multicultural can be stressful in any country or society. HAFU presents the mixed factor in an a organically genius documentary, sharing the stories of 5 HAFU’s living in Japan. Do we need to be categorized? HAFU seeks to answer this question, and many important ones similar to it, as it proudly displays the new wave of multicultural families in Japan. As, I mentioned the term “hafu” literally means “half”- this term has both negative and positive connotations in Japan. Similar to the word mulatto or mixed breed in the United States. The film shows how mixed race people living in Japan not only long to be acknowledged, but accepted and understood. “Directors Megumi Nishikura and Lara Perez Tagaki, HAFU’s themselves, present five intimate stories featuring people whose ethnicity and nationality are called into question every day of their lives.”
The film was presented at the Asian Film Festival 2013, in San Diego, Ca. There’s David a 28-year-old who’s lived in Japan nearly his entire life and is now looking to give back to his mothers village in Ghana (David’s father is Japanese). Or 9-year-old Alex, who leaves Japan to live with his mothers family in Mexico after traumatically being bullied for being different (Mexican and Japanese). Then there’s Sophia who lived in Australia her entire life, but comes to Japan to learn about the language and culture she barely knows. HAFU opens a dialogue about what it means to live in an increasingly global world and accepting our differences. It is my hope that times are changing and that people see, that, Diversity rocks!
On a day when we take time to honor our troops and give thanks for their service, there are stories being told about American patriotism and support for our Armed service members. One being…Applebees. I was out and about enjoying a beautiful San Diego day, I stopped by Hazard Center in Mission Valley and saw a line of people forming at the Applebees in Hazard Center. Upon inquiring on what was the reason for the big crowd, I was informed that Applebees was honoring our Armed service men, active and retired, with a complimentary meal for their service. When speaking with the staff they informed me that Applebees has been doing this tribute for the past 4 years for our Armed services on Veteran Day. We were informed that it is a nation wide program that has had a tremendous response with the military. As I walked into the restaurant, there was a waiting list to be seated. Generally such a line comes with much anticipation to be seated and to be served. This was somewhat different. The
servicemen and women seemed to gather throughout Hazard Center with a great feel of comradery and fellowship with each other, the civilians and the overwhelmingly hospitable staff that welcomed each customer in with a big friendly smile and a thank you for serving. With the huge response anticipated, Applebees said they had no problems getting volunteers to come and assist with catering to our servicemen and women. Support from other stores around and in San Diego county has been great. The Hazard Center restaurant is centrally located and we knew we would be hit with a good steady flow of patrons and patriots that wanted to show their support on Veterans Day…” said the staff. I personally left there feeling a little more upbeat after talking with some of the staff and customers. Some of the servicemen and women said they were greatful for the support but would also come back and dine at Applebees in the future because of the support…plus the food was top notch and the drinks kept the spirits flowing.
Be sure to stop and support your local Applebees and thank them for giving back to those that keep giving us so much.
Tommy Jennings Publisher – The Image Of Magazine
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